Bootstrap jQuery x-pin code input tool. You only need to enter the Bootstrap tag. Pincode Input is a plugin for jQuery that converts a plain text field into a Bootstrap-style PIN code entry as you have seen in a SIM PIN manager.
- It automatically moves to the next slot.
- Performs a call after all entries are filled out.
- Supports an unlimited number of numbers.
How to make use of it:
1. Include the needed jQuery library and Bootstrap’s CSS on the webpage.
<link href="/path/to/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <script src="/path/to/jquery-2.1.4.min.js"></script>
2. Download and include the Bootstrap Pincode Input plugin’s JS and files within the webpage.
<link href="bootstrap-pincode-input.css" rel="stylesheet"> <script src="bootstrap-pincode-input.js"></script>
3. Create a text field for the pin code input.
<input type="text" id="demo">
4. Initialize the plugin.
5. Plugin’s default options.
$('#demo').pincodeInput({ // 4 input boxes = code of 4 digits long inputs:4, // hide digits like password input hideDigits:true, // keyDown callback keydown : function(e){}, // callback on every input on change (keyup event) change: function(input,value,inputnumber){ //input = the input textbox DOM element //value = the value entered by user (or removed) //inputnumber = the position of the input box (in touch mode we only have 1 big input box, so always 1 is returned here) }, // callback when all inputs are filled in (keyup event) complete : function(value, e, errorElement){ // value = the entered code // e = last keyup event // errorElement = error span next to to this, fill with html // e.g. : $(errorElement).html("Code not correct"); } });
Custom Pin Code Input Plugin, pin code input CSS, Bootstrap Pincode input Plugin/Github
See Demo And Download
Official Website(fkranenburg): Click Here
This superior jQuery/javascript plugin is developed by fkranenburg. For extra Advanced Usages, please go to the official website.
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