jKanban is the kanban library with javascript vanilla to manage your business, jobs, tasks, and any other types of events in kanban categorized boards.
You can move work items between kanban panels by drag and drop based on the dragula.js library.
How to make use of it:
1. Insert the jKanban’s JavaScript and Stylesheet into the HTML file.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./dist/jkanban.min.css" /> <script src="./dist/jkanban.js"></script>
2. Create a container to place the kanban boards.
<div id="myKanban"></div>
3. Create kanban boards in a JS array of objects as follows:
myBoards = [ { id: "_todo", title: "To Do (Can drop item only in working)", class: "info,good", dragTo: ["_working"], item: [ { id: "_test_delete", title: "Try drag this (Look the console)", drag: function(el, source) { console.log("START DRAG: " + el.dataset.eid); }, dragend: function(el) { console.log("END DRAG: " + el.dataset.eid); }, drop: function(el) { console.log("DROPPED: " + el.dataset.eid); } }, { title: "Try Click This!", click: function(el) { alert("click"); }, class: ["peppe", "bello"] } ] }, { id: "_working", title: "Working (Try drag me too)", class: "warning", item: [ { title: "Do Something!" }, { title: "Run?" } ] }, { id: "_done", title: "Done (Can drop item only in working)", class: "success", dragTo: ["_working"], item: [ { title: "All right" }, { title: "Ok!" } ] } ]
4. Initialize the library to render the boards in your kanban.
var KanbanTest = new jKanban({ element: "#myKanban", boards: myBoards })
5. Determine whether or not to indicate an Add button inside every board.
var KanbanTest = new jKanban({ element: "#myKanban", boards: myBoards, addItemButton: true, buttonContent: '+', buttonClick: function(el, boardId) { console.log(el); console.log(boardId); // create a form to enter element var formItem = document.createElement("form"); formItem.setAttribute("class", "itemform"); formItem.innerHTML = '<div class="form-group"><textarea class="form-control" rows="2" autofocus></textarea></div><div class="form-group"><button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs pull-right">Submit</button><button type="button" id="CancelBtn" class="btn btn-default btn-xs pull-right">Cancel</button></div>'; KanbanTest.addForm(boardId, formItem); formItem.addEventListener("submit", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var text = e.target[0].value; KanbanTest.addElement(boardId, { title: text }); formItem.parentNode.removeChild(formItem); }); document.getElementById("CancelBtn").onclick = function() { formItem.parentNode.removeChild(formItem); }; }, })
6. More configuration choices.
var KanbanTest = new jKanban({ // space between boards gutter: '15px', // board width widthBoard: '250px', // use percentage in the width of the boards responsivePercentage: false, // make work items draggable? dragItems: true, // make boards draggable? dragBoards: true, // config item drag handle itemHandleOptions: { enabled: false, customCssHandler "drag_handler", customCssIconHandler: "drag_handler_icon", customHandler: "+ %s"title } })
7. Callback features.
var KanbanTest = new jKanban({ click: function (el) { // when an item is clicked }, dragEl : function (el, source) { // when an item is dragging }, dragendEl: function (el) { // when an item stops dragging }, dropEl: function (el, target, source, sibling) { // when an item is dropped }, dragBoard: function (el, source) { // when a board is dragging }, dragendBoard: function (el) { // when a board stops dragging } })
8. API strategies.
// add an element KanbanTest.addElement(boardID, element); // add a form element KanbanTest.addForm(boardID, formItem); // add boards KanbanTest.addBoards(boards); // find item by ID KanbanTest.findElement(id); // replace item by id KanbanTest.replaceElement(id); // get parent board ID KanbanTest.getParentBoardID(id); // find board by ID KanbanTest.findBoard(id); // get board element by ID KanbanTest.getBoardElements(id); // remove an element by ID KanbanTest.removeElementid(id); // remove a board by ID KanbanTest.removeBoard(id);
Draggable Kanban Boards, jKanban Plugin/Github
See Demo And Download
Official Website(riktar): Click Here
This superior jQuery/javascript plugin is developed by riktar. For extra Advanced Usages, please go to the official website.
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