Notiflix is the JavaScript library of client-side unblocked notifications, popups, load indicators, and more that makes your web projects so much better.
Notiflix is a versatile, highly effective, and customizable notification popup library that sends various kinds of notification messages to the consumer.
- Toast-like alert notifications: Success, Failure, Warning, and Info.
- Confirmation popup packing containers.
- Report dialog packing containers: Success, Failure, Warning, and Info.
- 6 loading indicators: Standard, Hourglass, Circle, Arrows, Dots, and Pulse.
How to make use of it:
# Yarn $ yarn add notiflix # NPM $ npm install notiflix --save
Load the required JavaScript and CSS records data within the doc.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="notiflix-version.min.css" /> <script src="notiflix-version.min.js"></script>
Create an alert notification.
Notiflix.Notify.Init({ width: '280px', position: 'right-top', // 'right-top' - 'right-bottom' - 'left-top' - 'left-bottom' && v2.2.0 and the next versions => 'center-top' - 'center-bottom' - 'center-center' distance: '10px', opacity: 1, borderRadius: '5px', rtl: false, timeout: 3000, messageMaxLength: 110, backOverlay: false, backOverlayColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)', plainText: true, showOnlyTheLastOne: false, clickToClose: false, ID: 'NotiflixNotify', className: 'notiflix-notify', zindex: 4001, useGoogleFont: false, // v2.2.0 and the next versions => has been changed as "false" fontFamily: 'Quicksand', fontSize: '13px', cssAnimation: true, cssAnimationDuration: 400, cssAnimationStyle: 'fade', // 'fade' - 'zoom' - 'from-right' - 'from-top' - 'from-bottom' - 'from-left' closeButton: false, useIcon: true, useFontAwesome: false, fontAwesomeIconStyle: 'basic', // 'basic' - 'shadow' fontAwesomeIconSize: '34px', success: background: '#32c682', textColor: '#fff', childClassName: 'success', notiflixIconColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.2)', fontAwesomeClassName: 'fas fa-check-circle', fontAwesomeIconColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.2)', backOverlayColor: 'rgba(50,198,130,0.2)', // v2.2.0 and the subsequent versions , failure: background: '#ff5549', textColor: '#fff', childClassName: 'failure', notiflixIconColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.2)', fontAwesomeClassName: 'fas fa-times-circle', fontAwesomeIconColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.2)', backOverlayColor: 'rgba(255,85,73,0.2)', // v2.2.0 and the next versions , warning: background: '#eebf31', textColor: '#fff', childClassName: 'warning', notiflixIconColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.2)', fontAwesomeClassName: 'fas fa-exclamation-circle', fontAwesomeIconColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.2)', backOverlayColor: 'rgba(238,191,49,0.2)', // v2.2.0 and the next versions , info: background: '#26c0d3', textColor: '#fff', childClassName: 'info', notiflixIconColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.2)', fontAwesomeClassName: 'fas fa-info-circle', fontAwesomeIconColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.2)', backOverlayColor: 'rgba(38,192,211,0.2)', // v2.2.0 and the next versions }); // or Notiflix.Notify.Success('Success message'); Notiflix.Notify.Failure('Failure message'); Notiflix.Notify.Warning('Warning message'); Notiflix.Notify.Info('Info message '); Notiflix.Notify.Success('Success message', function(){ // Callback });
Create an affirmation dialog.
Notiflix.Confirm.Init(); // or Notiflix.Confirm.Show('Confirm Title','Confirm Message','Ok Button Text'); // with callbacks Notiflix.Confirm.Show( 'Confirm Title', 'Confirm Message', 'Ok Button Text', 'Cancel Button Text', function() // yes callback , function(){ // no } );
Create a report dialog.
Notiflix.Report.Init({ className: 'notiflix-report', width: '320px', backgroundColor: '#f8f8f8', borderRadius: '25px', rtl: false, zindex: 4002, backOverlay: true, backOverlayColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)', useGoogleFont: false, // v2.2.0 and the next versions => has been changed as "false" fontFamily: 'Quicksand', svgSize: '110px', plainText: true, titleFontSize: '16px', titleMaxLength: 34, messageFontSize: '13px', messageMaxLength: 400, buttonFontSize: '14px', buttonMaxLength: 34, cssAnimation: true, cssAnimationDuration: 360, cssAnimationStyle: 'fade', // 'fade' - 'zoom' success: , failure: svgColor: '#ff5549', titleColor: '#1e1e1e', messageColor: '#242424', buttonBackground: '#ff5549', buttonColor: '#fff', backOverlayColor: 'rgba(255,85,73,0.2)', // v2.2.0 and the next versions , warning: svgColor: '#eebf31', titleColor: '#1e1e1e', messageColor: '#242424', buttonBackground: '#eebf31', buttonColor: '#fff', backOverlayColor: 'rgba(238,191,49,0.2)', // v2.2.0 and the next versions , info: svgColor: '#26c0d3', titleColor: '#1e1e1e', messageColor: '#242424', buttonBackground: '#26c0d3', buttonColor: '#fff', backOverlayColor: 'rgba(38,192,211,0.2)', // v2.2.0 and the next versions , }); // or Notiflix.Report.Success('Title','Success Message','Button Text'); Notiflix.Report.Failure('Title','Failure Message','Button Text'); Notiflix.Report.Warning('Title','Warning Message','Button Text'); Notiflix.Report.Info('Title','Info Message','Button Text'); // with a callback Notiflix.Report.Success( 'Success Title', 'Success Message', 'Button Text', function(){ // callback });
Create a loading indicator.
Notiflix.Loading.Init( className: 'notiflix-loading', zindex: 4000, backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.8)', rtl: false, useGoogleFont: false, // v2.2.0 and the next versions => has been changed as "false" fontFamily: 'Quicksand', cssAnimation: true, cssAnimationDuration: 400, clickToClose: false, customSvgUrl: null, svgSize: '80px', svgColor: '#32c682', messageID: 'NotiflixLoadingMessage', messageFontSize: '15px', messageMaxLength: 34, messageColor: '#dcdcdc', ); // or Notiflix.Loading.Standard(); Notiflix.Loading.Hourglass(); Notiflix.Loading.Circle(); Notiflix.Loading.Arrows(); Notiflix.Loading.Dots(); Notiflix.Loading.Pulse(); // with custom loading text Notiflix.Loading.Standard('Loading...'); // remove Notiflix.Loading.Remove(); // remove after delay Notiflix.Loading.Remove(2000); // use a custom loading spinner Notiflix.Loading.Init({ customSvgUrl:'icon.svg', svgSize:'80px' }); Notiflix.Loading.Custom();
Create a block type loading indicator that can be utilized to dam or unblock components.
Notiflix.Block.Init(); // With message Notiflix.Block.Standard('.block-this-element', 'Loading...'); Notiflix.Block.Hourglass('.my-element', 'Processing...');N otiflix.Block.Circle('div#Modal', 'Please wait...'); // Without message messageNotiflix.Block.Arrows('div#PopUp'); Notiflix.Block.Dots('table#MyTable'); Notiflix.Block.Pulse('.report-wrapper'); // Remove Notiflix.Block.Remove('div#Modal'); Notiflix.Block.Remove('div#Modal', 600);
Global settings.
Notiflix.Notify.Init({ wrapID: 'NotiflixNotifyWrap', // can not customizable width: '280px', position: 'right-top', // 'right-top' - 'right-bottom' - 'left-top' - 'left-bottom' && v2.2.0 and the next versions => 'center-top' - 'center-bottom' - 'center-center' distance: '10px', opacity: 1, borderRadius: '5px', rtl: false, timeout: 3000, messageMaxLength: 110, backOverlay: false, backOverlayColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)', plainText: true, showOnlyTheLastOne: false, clickToClose: false, ID: 'NotiflixNotify', className: 'notiflix-notify', zindex: 4001, useGoogleFont: false, // v2.2.0 and the next versions => has been changed as "false" fontFamily: 'Quicksand', fontSize: '13px', cssAnimation: true, cssAnimationDuration: 400, cssAnimationStyle: 'fade', // 'fade' - 'zoom' - 'from-right' - 'from-top' - 'from-bottom' - 'from-left' closeButton: false, useIcon: true, useFontAwesome: false, fontAwesomeIconStyle: 'basic', // 'basic' - 'shadow' fontAwesomeIconSize: '34px', success: background: '#32c682', textColor: '#fff', childClassName: 'success', notiflixIconColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.2)', fontAwesomeClassName: 'fas fa-check-circle', fontAwesomeIconColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.2)', backOverlayColor: 'rgba(50,198,130,0.2)', // v2.2.0 and the next versions , failure: background: '#ff5549', textColor: '#fff', childClassName: 'failure', notiflixIconColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.2)', fontAwesomeClassName: 'fas fa-times-circle', fontAwesomeIconColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.2)', backOverlayColor: 'rgba(255,85,73,0.2)', // v2.2.0 and the next versions , warning: background: '#eebf31', textColor: '#fff', childClassName: 'warning', notiflixIconColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.2)', fontAwesomeClassName: 'fas fa-exclamation-circle', fontAwesomeIconColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.2)', backOverlayColor: 'rgba(238,191,49,0.2)', // v2.2.0 and the next versions , info: background: '#26c0d3', textColor: '#fff', childClassName: 'info', notiflixIconColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.2)', fontAwesomeClassName: 'fas fa-info-circle', fontAwesomeIconColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.2)', backOverlayColor: 'rgba(38,192,211,0.2)', // v2.2.0 and the next versions , });
Notiflix Documentation, Notiflix Plugin/Github
See Demo And Download
Official Website(notiflix): Click Here
This superior jQuery/javascript plugin is developed by notiflix. For extra Advanced Usages, please go to the official website.
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