BVAmbient is a JavaScript library for creating animated, custom, and floating particles in the background of your container. Highly customizable and responsive and you can pass options to the particle background for each stop that you provide.
How to make use of it:
1. Import the BVAmbient’s JavaScript and Stylesheet into the doc.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/bvambient.css" /> <script src="js/bvambient.js"></script>
2. Apply the particle’s background to a container.
new BVAmbient({ selector: "#myContainer" });
3. Customize the particles with the next choices.
new BVAmbient({ // CSS selector selector: "#myContainer", // FPS fps: 60, // number of particles particle_number: 50, // min/max size particle_maxwidth: 30, particle_minwidth: 10, // border radius particle_radius: 50, // apply random opacity to particles particle_opacity: true, // change particle size when colliding with boundary particle_colision_change: true, // background color // Hex or Rgba or random particle_background: "#58c70c", // add trail to particles particle_trail: { trail: false, opacity: "0.1", background: "#58c70c", length: 300 } });
4. Or makes use of a picture as particles.
new BVAmbient({ // CSS selector selector: "#myContainer", particle_image: { image: true, src: "/path/to/particle.png" }, });
5. Set different options according to the screen size.
new BVAmbient({ // CSS selector selector: "#myContainer", responsive: [ { breakpoint: 1024, settings: { // options here } }, { breakpoint: 768, settings: { // options here } }, { breakpoint: 480, settings: { // options here } } ] });
6. API strategies.
// change background color instance.Change({ type: "particle_background", value: "#223344" }); // refresh instance.Refresh(); // destroy demo1.Destroy();
Customized & Responsive Particles Background, BVAmbient Plugin/Github
See Demo And Download
Official Website(BMSVieira): Click Here
This superior jQuery/javascript plugin is developed by BMSVieira. For extra Advanced Usages, please go to the official website.
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