picograph.js is a small, standalone JavaScript library to dynamically display a simple multi-line chart/diagram on an HTML Panel element.
Ideal for creating automatically updating time-series graphs like performance monitoring, traffic usage report, and more.
How to make use of it:
1. Insert the JavaScript picograph.js into the doc and we’re able to go.
<script src="picograph.js"></script>
2. Create an HTML canvas aspect for the graph.
<canvas id="graphDemo"></canvas>
3. Create a DIV container for legends/labels.
<div id="graphLabels"></div>
4. Plot your data to the line graph. Possible parameters:
var demo = createGraph(canvasID, labels, unit, labelDivID, intervalSize, maxVal, vlines=false, timestamps=false, scalesteps=5, vlinesFreq = 1);
5. Update the line graph.
Graph.update(yval, labelID)
Minimal Multi-line Chart Library, picograph.js Plugin/Github
See Demo And Download
Official Website(RainingComputers): Click Here
This superior jQuery/javascript plugin is developed by RainingComputers. For extra Advanced Usages, please go to the official website.
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