WYSIWYG Editor Free – KothingEditor is a lightweight, flexible, and customizable WYSIWYG text editor for your web applications.
- Paste from Microsoft Word and Excel.
- Define, merge, and split a custom table.
- Embed media and upload photos.
- CodeMirror can be used.
- And .. many other features
How to make use of it:
1. Install & download the Kothing-Editor.
# NPM $ npm install kothing-editor --save
2. Import the stylesheet and modules of your selection within the project.
import 'keditor/build/css/keditor.min.css' import keditor from 'keditor' import plugins from 'keditor/src/plugins' import lang from 'keditor/src/lang'
3. Or instantly load the bundled JavaScript within the doc.
<link href="./build/css/keditor.min.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src="./build/keditor.min.js"></script>
4. Attach the editor to a text area and completed it.
<textarea id="example"> </textarea>
const keditor = KEDITOR.create((document.getElementById('example')),{ // options here });
5. All default editor choices.
const keditor = KEDITOR.create((document.getElementById('example')),{ // language lang: 'en', 'classic', 'inline', 'balloon' mode: 'classic', // width of the toolbar // Number|String toolbarWidth: 'auto', // stick the toolbar to the top // Number|String|Boolean stickyToolbar: 0, // place content in the iframe iframe: false, iframeCSSFileName: 'keditor', // allows HTML, HEAD, BODY tags and DOCTYPE declaration fullPage: false, // codeMirror options codeMirror: {} // the position property of keditor position: null, // the display property of keditor display: 'block', // the size of background for the dialog window // 'full'||'local' popupDisplay: 'full', // show the resize bar resizingBar: true, // show the node path showPathLabel: true, // show the character conouter charCounter: false, // limit the number of characters to type // Number maxCharCount: null, // size options width: '100%', minWidth: null, maxWidth: null, height: 'auto', minHeight: null, maxHeight: null, // font family font: [ 'Arial', 'Comic Sans MS', 'Courier New', 'Impact', 'Georgia','tahoma', 'Trebuchet MS', 'Verdana' ], // font size fontSize: [ 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 36, 48, 72 ], // formats formats: [ 'p', 'div', 'blockquote', 'pre', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6' ], // color list colorList: [ '#ff0000', '#ff5e00', '#ffe400', '#abf200', '#00d8ff', '#0055ff', '#6600ff', '#ff00dd', '#000000', '#ffd8d8', '#fae0d4', '#faf4c0', '#e4f7ba', '#d4f4fa', '#d9e5ff', '#e8d9ff', '#ffd9fa', '#f1f1f1', '#ffa7a7', '#ffc19e', '#faed7d', '#cef279', '#b2ebf4', '#b2ccff', '#d1b2ff', '#ffb2f5', '#bdbdbd', '#f15f5f', '#f29661', '#e5d85c', '#bce55c', '#5cd1e5', '#6699ff', '#a366ff', '#f261df', '#8c8c8c', '#980000', '#993800', '#998a00', '#6b9900', '#008299', '#003399', '#3d0099', '#990085', '#353535', '#670000', '#662500', '#665c00', '#476600', '#005766', '#002266', '#290066', '#660058', '#222222' ], // allows to resize the image imageResizing: true, // image width imageWidth: 'auto', // create a file inputin the image upload window imageFileInput: true, // create a image url input tag in the image upload window imageUrlInput: true, // HTTP header imageUploadHeader: null, // upload URL imageUploadUrl: null, // limit the image size imageUploadSizeLimit: null, // allows to resize the video videoResizing: true, // video size videoWidth: 560, videoHeight: 315, // the query string of a YouTube embedded URL. youtubeQuery: '', // fired when the save button is clicked callBackSave: userFunction.save, // Templates templates: null, // add/remove buttons here buttonList: [ ['undo', 'redo'], // ['font', 'fontSize', 'formatBlock'], ['bold', 'underline', 'italic', 'strike', 'subscript', 'superscript'], ['removeFormat'], // '/', Line break // ['fontColor', 'hiliteColor'], ['outdent', 'indent'], // ['align', 'horizontalRule', 'list', 'table'], // ['link', 'image', 'video'], ['fullScreen', 'showBlocks', 'codeView'], ['preview', 'print'], // ['save', 'template'], ] });
6. API strategies.
// update options editor.setOptions({ // options here }); // open a notice editor.noticeOpen('test notice'); // close a notice editor.noticeClose(); // save the content editor.save(); // get the context object editor.getContext(); // gets the content of the keditor editor.getContents(); // Gets a list of images uploaded to the editor /** * { * src: imgage src * index: data index * name: file name * size: file size * select: select function * delete: delete function * } **/ editor.getImagesInfo(); // upload images editor.insertImage(FileList); // insert HTML content editor.insertHTML('<img src=" ">'); // set content editor.setContents('set contents'); // append new contnet editor.appendContents('append contents'); // disable the keditor editor.disabled(); // enable the keditor editor.enabled(); // hide the keditor editor.hide(); // show the keditor editor.show(); // destroy the keditor editor.destroy();
7. Event handlers.
editor.onScroll = function (e) { console.log('onScroll', e) } editor.onClick = function (e) { console.log('onClick', e) } editor.onKeyDown = function (e) { console.log('onKeyDown', e) } editor.onKeyUp = function (e) { console.log('onKeyUp', e) } editor.onDrop = function (e) { console.log('onDrop', e) } editor.onChange = function (contents) { console.log('onChange', contents) } editor.onPaste = function (e, cleanData, maxCharCount) { console.log('onPaste', e, cleanData, maxCharCount) } // fired when the image is uploaded or the uploaded image is deleted. /** * targetImgElement: Current img element * index: Uploaded index (key value) * state: Upload status ('create', 'update', 'delete') * imageInfo: { * * index: data index * * name: file name * * size: file size * * select: select function * * delete: delete function * } * remainingFilesCount: Count of remaining image files */ editor.onImageUpload = function (targetImgElement, index, state, imageInfo, remainingFilesCount) { console.log(`targetImgElement:${targetImgElement}, index:${index}, state('create', 'update', 'delete'):${state}`) console.log(`imageInfo:${imageInfo}, remainingFilesCount:${remainingFilesCount}`) } editor.onImageUploadError = function (errorMessage, result) { alert(errorMessage) } editor.showInline = function (toolbar, context) { console.log('toolbar', toolbar); console.log('context', context); }
How to Create a WYSIWYG Rich Text Editor, Smart WYSIWYG HTML editor, simple javascript HTML editor
See Demo And Download
Official Website(kothing): Click Here
This superior jQuery/javascript plugin is developed by kothing. For extra Advanced Usages, please go to the official website.
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